Product Details
56K External Modem
Modular Technology

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  V90/K56Flex compatible & V.92 ready
  Fax to 14,400
  HAYES compatible
  Supplied with 9-25way modem cable
The modem is ready to be upgraded to V.92 as soon as your Internet Service Provider has changed over to the new standard, but in the meantime, it will auto-adapt to V.90, K56flex or V.34 to match the fastest modem Internet service available. When connected to a PC COM port and to an analogue telephone line, it will provide high-speed analogue data, high-speed fax, audio/voice and speakerphone. Lower speed operating modes are included, as well as error correction and data compression to eliminate errors and increase data throughput. Using software provided, it will send faxes or answer incoming calls automatically, with both activities able to take place in background whilst the PC screen and operator are engaged in other activities. 
For V.92, both end user and ISP must be V.92 capable. You will be able to upgrade to V.92 once your ISP has upgraded, using a Software Wizard, which can be downloaded over the Internet. V.92 includes 'Quick Connect' for rapid Internet access and 'PCM Upstream' to provide a faster upstream connection (from the user to ISP). It has been designed to provide up to 48000bps upstream under ideal conditions, although users will experience lower rates than this. 
Free trials on the Internet are provided through starter CD packs included with the modem.